SAORI Premium Japanese Sauce.Made in Australia.

SAORI Japanse BBQ Sauce (mild chilli) [3001]

SAORI Japanse BBQ Sauce (mild chilli) [3001]

Our Selling Price: AU$17.99

Weight: 450g


Item Description

【SAORI Japanese BBQ Sauce (with mild chilli) 】 - Japanese name (Yakiniku no Tare)

Silver award winning sauce (Royal Hobart Fine Food Awards 2013)
This sauce was created for those who enjoy the extra depth of flavour that just the right amount of chillies can bring to a sauce. Using fresh juicy Australian apples, hand peeled onions and garlic and finely chopped chillies, this is a truly unique and mouth watering sauce. Enjoy it with your barbequed meats or your favourite vegetables.

It’s all natural, so refrigerate after opening.

*SAORI Premium Japanese Sauce is an Australian product homemade in Melbourne. Only high quality Japanese and Australian ingredients are used in the sauces.
The entire range is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

SAORI手作り焼肉のたれ(辛口)-SAORI Spicy Apple & Soya BBQ Dipping Sauce

りんご、玉ねぎ、にんにくをすりおろし、お醤油とピュアセサミオイルとをじっくりと時間をかけて煮込んだ、濃い味の手作り焼き肉のたれで、Royal Hobart Fine Food Awards 2013で銀賞受賞のソースです。SAORI手作り焼き肉のたれに唐辛子を加えた、辛口の、大人の味です。


*SAORI Premium Japanese Sauce(サオリプレミアムジャパニーズソース) はオーストラリアのメルボルンで1つ1つすべてのソースを手作りしています。原材料としてベースとなるお醤油は日本産を、りんご、玉ねぎなど野菜、果物はオーストラリア産を使用しています。どの商品にも魚、肉、乳製品は含まれていませんので、ベジタリアン、ベーガンの方たちにもお楽しみいただけます。

We use quality Australian apples and onions.


NET 200g

Ingredients: Australian onion, Japanese fermented soy sauce, Australian apple, sesame oil,
brown sugar, water, garlic, sea salt, sesame, dried chills


Store in a cool, dry place.

Refrigerate after opening

RECIPE: Japanese style BBQ

Cut barbecued meat or vegetables into bite size pieces and wrap in lettuce.

Dip into Japanese BBQ Dipping Sauce


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