SAORI Premium Japanese Sauce.Made in Australia.

Mushroom steamed rice - Kinoko takikomi gohan (gluten free recipe)

Mushroom steamed rice - Kinoko takikomi gohan Recipe

Autumn is a great season for mushrooms! In Japan, mushrooms are everywhere in autumn and everybody eats lot's of kinds of dishes with them. I made this recipe gluten free so practically anyone can enjoy it. Oh...and Japanese mushrooms (shimeji,shitake,enoki etc) are available in the vegie section in most Asian grocery shops.

*300-400g Japanese mushrooms (shimeji,shitake,enoki etc)
*1tbs gluten free Seaweed and Soya Japanese Sauce (or regular Seaweed and Soya Japanese Sauce)
*3 rice cups of sushi or short grain rice
*100ml gluten free Seaweed and Soya Japanese Sauce (or regular Seaweed and Soya Japanese Sauce)
* 540ml water

1:marinate mushrooms in 1tbs gluten free Seaweed and Soya Japanese Sauce for 10 minutes
2:put the mushrooms, rice, gluten free Seaweed and Soya Japanese Sauce and water in a rice cooker and press the cook button.

That's it. How easy is that!? and....yum, yum, yum. I enjoyed it so much last night. This dish can be eaten hot or cold.
If you don't have a rice cooker...BUY ONE. Try not to buy a cheapie though (they don't do justice to the rice). Get one for around $100 and you can't go wrong. They are SO worth it. You will be shocked at the taste difference.